…Imja sej zvezde Černobyl' / Alesʹ Adamovič by Adamovič, Alesʹ [Verfasser]. Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Publisher: Moskva : AST, 2021Availability: Items available for loan: MWN Osteuropa (1). Location(s): Magazin - 2 Call number: R 65 pq Ada.
"Die rote Gefahr" : antikommunistische Propaganda in der Bundesrepublik 1950 - 2000 / Klaus Körner by Körner, Klaus, 1939- [Verfasser]. Material type: Text; Format:
Language: German Publisher: Hamburg : Konkret-Literatur-Verlag, 2003Availability: Items available for loan: MWN Osteuropa (1). Location(s): Lesesaal - 1 Call number: D 53 ed Kör.
"Pečal' moja svetla…" / Lidija Savel'eva by Savel'eva, Lidija Vladimirovna [VerfasserIn]. Series: Rossija v memuarachMaterial type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Publisher: Moskva Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie 2022Availability: Items available for loan: MWN Osteuropa (1). Location(s): Magazin - 2 Call number: R 60 k Sav.
"Pomnit mir spasennyj...". : Pozdravitel'nye telegrammy i poslanija sovetskomu narodu. 1941-1945 by Pivovarov Nikita Jur'evič [Herausgeber] | Permjakov, I. A [Herausgeber] | Džalilov, Timur Agabaevič [Herausgeber]. Material type: Text; Format:
Publisher: Moskva Fond «Svjaz' Ėpoch» 2021Availability: Items available for loan: MWN Osteuropa (1). Location(s): Magazin - 2 Call number: X- R 63 r Per | R 63 r Per.
«Zolotoj vek» socializma : Sovetskij Sojuz i mir. : 1964-1982 by Sinicyn, Fedor Leonidovič [author]. Series: Soveskaja istorijaMaterial type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Publisher: Moskva : Veče, 2022Availability: Items available for loan: MWN Osteuropa (1). Location(s): Magazin - 2 Call number: R 64 c Sin.
1919 in Weimar : die Stadt und die Republik / Christian Faludi by Faludi, Christian, 1978- [Verfasser]. Series: Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung: Schriftenreihe ; Band 10563Edition: Sonderausgabe für die Bundeszentrale für politische BildungMaterial type: Text; Format:
Language: German Publisher: Bonn Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung 2021Other title: Neunzehnhundertneunzehn in Weimar.Availability: Items available for loan: MWN Osteuropa (1). Location(s): Neuerwerbungsregal Call number: D 51 d Fal.
Afro-rossijane : brak, semʹja, sudʹba / N. L. Krylova by Krylova, Natalʹja L [Verfasser]. Material type: Text; Format:
Language: Russian Publisher: Moskva ROSSPEN 2006Online access: Inhaltsverzeichnis | Abstract Availability: Items available for loan: MWN Osteuropa (1). Location(s): Magazin - 2 Call number: R 70 k Kry.
Akten zur auswärtigen Politik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1976/1 1. Januar bis 30. Juni 1976 by Möller, Horst [Herausgeber] | Hildebrand, Klaus [Herausgeber] | Schöllgen, Gregor [Herausgeber]. Series: Akten zur auswärtigen Politik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland ; 1976, 1Material type: Text; Format:
Language: German Publisher: Berlin : de Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2007Availability: Items available for loan: MWN Osteuropa (1). Location(s): Lesesaal - 1 Call number: D 53 c AAP (76/1).
Akten zur auswärtigen Politik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1976/2 1. Juli bis 31. Dezember by Möller, Horst [Herausgeber] | Hildebrand, Klaus [Herausgeber] | Schöllgen, Gregor [Herausgeber]. Series: Akten zur auswärtigen Politik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland ; 1976, 2Material type: Text; Format:
Language: German Publisher: Berlin : de Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2007Availability: Items available for loan: MWN Osteuropa (1). Location(s): Lesesaal - 1 Call number: D 53 c AAP (76/2).
Belaja armija, černyj baron : žizn' generala Petra Vrangelja / Ėntoni Kroner by Kröner, Anthony. Series: Istorija Rossii vneserijnye izdanijaEdition: Naučno-populjarnoe izd.Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Language: Russian Publisher: Moskva ROSSPĖN 2011Other title: The white knight of the black sea.Availability: Items available for loan: MWN Osteuropa (1). Location(s): Magazin - 2 Call number: R 61 ad Vra 3 .
Bor'ba za Galiciju : Sraženija ot Sana do Karpat v avguste-nojabre 1914 goda / S. G. Nelipovič by Nelipovič, Sergej Gennad'evič [Verfasser]. Series: Zabytye vojny RossiiMaterial type: Text; Format:
Publisher: Moskva Kvadriga 2021Availability: Items available for loan: MWN Osteuropa (1). Location(s): Lesesaal - 1 Call number: W 61 C rf Nel 4.
Boris El'cin : ot rassveta do zakata 2.0 / A. V. Koržakov by Koržakov Aleksandr Vasil'evič [VerfasserIn]. Series: Svidetel' epochiMaterial type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Publisher: Moskva : Eksmo, 2021Availability: Items available for loan: MWN Osteuropa (1). Location(s): Magazin - 2 Call number: R 71 ad Elc 9.
Čekist, sbežavšij k samurajam / Vladimir Zacharov, Mattias Ul', Vladimir Chaustov by Zacharov, Vladimir Vladimirovič [VerfaserIn] | Uhl, Matthias [VerfasserIn] | Chaustov, Vladimir Nikolaevič [VerfasserIn]. Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Publisher: Moskva Veče, 2022Availability: Items available for loan: MWN Osteuropa (1). Location(s): Magazin - 2 Call number: R 62 hd Zach.
D'javol'skaja materija : Istorija polosok i polosatych tkanej by Pastoureau, Michel | Bartoševič-Žagel', O [UebersetzerIn]. Edition: 2. ergänzte AuflageMaterial type: Text; Format:
Language: Russian Moskva : Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2019Availability: Items available for loan: MWN Osteuropa (1). Location(s): Lesesaal - 1 Call number: W 10 C k Pas 6.
Dejateli revoljucionnogo dviženija v Rossii / Vsesojuznoe Obščestvo Političeskich Katoržan i Ssyl'no-Poselencev : bio-bibliografičeskij slovaŕ / 5,1 Social-demokraty 1880 - 1904: A - B pod. redakciej V. I. Nevskogo by Korol'čuk, E.A [editor] | Levin, Š.M [editor] | Nevskij, V.I [ [editor]. Material type: Text; Format:
Language: Russian Publisher: Moskva 1931Availability: Items available for loan: MWN Osteuropa (1). Location(s): Magazin - 2 Call number: R 54 ej Nev 1 (5/1).
Dela repressirovannych moskovskich advokatov / sostavitel': D. B. Šabel'nikov by Šabel'nikov, D. B [editor]. Series: Russkie sudebnye processyMaterial type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Publisher: Moskva : Justina ; Belyj gorod, 2020Availability: Items available for loan: MWN Osteuropa (1). Location(s): Magazin - 2 Call number: R 62 g Sab.
Delo Tuchačevskogo : 1936-1937 / Vjačeslav Lopatin by Lopatin, Vjačeslav Sergeevič, 1936- [Verfasser]. Material type: Text; Format:
Language: Russian Publisher: Moskva Kučkovo pole 2021Availability: Items available for loan: MWN Osteuropa (1). Location(s): Magazin - 2 Call number: R 62 rd Lop.
Der Bereich Kommerzielle Koordinierung : das DDR-Wirtschaftsimperium des Alexander Schalck-Golodkowski ; Mythos und Realität / Matthias Judt by Judt, Matthias, 1962- [Verfasser]. Material type: Text; Format:
Language: German Publisher: Berlin : Links Verlag, 2013Availability: Items available for loan: MWN Osteuropa (1). Location(s): Lesesaal - 1 Call number: D 54 q Jud.
Der Zweite Weltkrieg in Italien 1943-1945 / Thomas Vogel by Vogel, Thomas, 1959- [VerfasserIn] | Zentrum für Militärgeschichte und Sozialwissenschaften der Bundeswehr [Herausgebendes Organ]. Series: Kriege der ModerneMaterial type: Text; Format:
Language: German Publisher: Ditzingen Reclam 2021Online access: Inhaltstext | Inhaltsverzeichnis Availability: Items available for loan: MWN Osteuropa (1). Location(s): Lesesaal - 1 Call number: W 63 D r Vog.
Die Bundeswehr von “A” bis “Z”: Glossarij-spravočnik sovremennych nemeckich voennych terminov / Vladimir Zacharov, Mattias Ul' by Zacharov, Vladimir Vladimirovič [Verfasser] | Uhl, Matthias [Verfasser]. Material type: Text; Format:
; Literary form:
Not fiction
Publisher: Moskva : Prometej, 2023Availability: Items available for loan: MWN Osteuropa (2). Location(s): Lesesaal - 1 Call number: D 55 r Zach.