The 10th century in Western Europe : change and continuity / edited by Igor Santos Salazar and Catarina Tente

Другие авторы: Santos Salazar, Igor [editor] | Tente, Catarina [editor]Тип материала: ТекстТекстЯзык: English (английский язык)Серия: Historical Archaeologies SeriesИздатель: Oxford : Archaeopress, 2023Дата авторского права: ©2023Описание: 1 online resource (149 pages)Вид содержания: Text Средство доступа: Computermedien Тип носителя: Online ResourceISBN: 9781803275147Тематика(и): Archäologie | Klosteranlage | Ansiedlung | Machtstruktur | Wandel | Kontinuität | WesteuropaЖанр/форма: | FernzugriffЭлектронное местонахождение и доступ: Volltext
Cover -- Title Page -- Copyright Information -- Copyright Information -- Contents -- List of Figures -- Figure 4.1. Analytical graphs of the corpus of sites (© E. Peytremann). -- Figure 4.2. Examples of building dated to 10th century (© E. Peytremann). -- Figure 4.3. Location of sites mentioned in the chapter (© E. Peytremann). -- Figure 4.4. Examples of sites dated to 10th century (© E. Peytremann). -- Figure 4.5. Examples of sites dated to 10th century (© E. Peytremann). -- Figure 5.1. Schematic plan of the eighth- and ninth-century phases at Moynagh Lough, showing the large centrally positioned structures and metalworking areas in relation to the palisades (after Bradley 1991) © author -- Figure 5.2. Plan showing central and satellite passage tombs at Knowth. The position of seventh to ninth-century AD burials is noted, and numbered in larger italic font. (after Eogan 2012, fig. 3.1). © author -- Figure 5.3. Plan of the main features of early medieval Phase 2 at Knowth, 9th to 11th centuries AD (after Eogan 2012, fig. 4.1). © author -- Figure 6.1. Shires and hundreds reconstructed from evidence in Domesday Book. -- Figure 6.2. Some well-known 'folk' territories and their relationship to Domeday hundreds: a) Braughing -- b) Stoppingas -- c) Roding. -- Figure 6.3. The shire system of military mobilisation. -- Figure 6.4. Burghal territories and shires in Midland England. -- Figure 7.1. The tenth-century kingdom of Asturias-León and the location of the sites discussed in the paper. -- Figure 7.2. Plan of the excavated area of S. Miguel de Fetal (Viseu). From Tente et al. 2018. -- Figure 7.3. Plan of the excavated area of S. Miguel de Escalada (Gradefes, Léon). From Larrén Izquierdo and Campomanes Alvaredo 2014: 87. -- Table 1. 10th century charters with mentions to Campi Gothorum.
Figure 8.1. Distribution of the monasteries founded by the Eriz family between 895 and 945 in the territory of present-day Galicia -- Figure 10.1. Map indicating the case-study region and the main sites referred in the text (© C. Tente). -- Figure 10.2. Rock-cut graves and granitic boulder of São Gens (Celorico da Beira, Guarda). © Danilo Pavone Câmara Municipal de Celorico da Beira. -- Figure 10.4. Digital Model of Cava de Viriato by Geodrone and T. Cordero. -- Introduction -- Robert Portass -- Rulers and Resources in Early Medieval Iberia from c.800- c.1009: Umayyad state fiscality and Astur-Leonese landed politics compared -- Constructing Christian Polities in Northwestern Iberia (711-1109): an overview -- Maria João Branco -- The contributions of the settlement to the understanding of the rural societies of Northern Gaul in the 10th century -- Édith Peytremann -- Transforming Rulership in Tenth-Century Ireland: paradigms, problems and prospects -- Patrick Gleeson -- Assembly practices in 10th-century England: continuities and innovations in military mobilisation -- Stuart Brookes -- The creation of a Visigothic past and the territorial expansion of the Kingdom of Asturias-León -- Iñaki Martín Viso -- Monastic foundations as aristocratic strategies during the 10th century in the North-West Iberian Peninsula. The case of the Eriz family. -- José Carlos Sánchez Pardo and Marcos Fernández Ferreiro -- Maddalena Betti -- The Social Reproduction of the Roman aristocracy in the 9th and 10th Centuries. Liutprand of Cremona and the women of the pope -- The 10th century in central-northern Portugal: changing scales of power -- Catarina Tente -- The formation of a native elite: The case of 10th century Iceland -- Orri Vésteinsson -- Is there room enough for a change? 10th century historical narratives'concepts of change -- Marie-Céline Isaïa.
Change and continuity in tenth century Western Europe: A conclusion -- Igor Santos Salazar.
Сводка: 11 essays from both historians and archaeologists achieve a re-reading of a the tenth century, which has been central to the interpretation of the historical development of Europe over the past decade.
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Cover -- Title Page -- Copyright Information -- Copyright Information -- Contents -- List of Figures -- Figure 4.1. Analytical graphs of the corpus of sites (© E. Peytremann). -- Figure 4.2. Examples of building dated to 10th century (© E. Peytremann). -- Figure 4.3. Location of sites mentioned in the chapter (© E. Peytremann). -- Figure 4.4. Examples of sites dated to 10th century (© E. Peytremann). -- Figure 4.5. Examples of sites dated to 10th century (© E. Peytremann). -- Figure 5.1. Schematic plan of the eighth- and ninth-century phases at Moynagh Lough, showing the large centrally positioned structures and metalworking areas in relation to the palisades (after Bradley 1991) © author -- Figure 5.2. Plan showing central and satellite passage tombs at Knowth. The position of seventh to ninth-century AD burials is noted, and numbered in larger italic font. (after Eogan 2012, fig. 3.1). © author -- Figure 5.3. Plan of the main features of early medieval Phase 2 at Knowth, 9th to 11th centuries AD (after Eogan 2012, fig. 4.1). © author -- Figure 6.1. Shires and hundreds reconstructed from evidence in Domesday Book. -- Figure 6.2. Some well-known 'folk' territories and their relationship to Domeday hundreds: a) Braughing -- b) Stoppingas -- c) Roding. -- Figure 6.3. The shire system of military mobilisation. -- Figure 6.4. Burghal territories and shires in Midland England. -- Figure 7.1. The tenth-century kingdom of Asturias-León and the location of the sites discussed in the paper. -- Figure 7.2. Plan of the excavated area of S. Miguel de Fetal (Viseu). From Tente et al. 2018. -- Figure 7.3. Plan of the excavated area of S. Miguel de Escalada (Gradefes, Léon). From Larrén Izquierdo and Campomanes Alvaredo 2014: 87. -- Table 1. 10th century charters with mentions to Campi Gothorum.

Figure 8.1. Distribution of the monasteries founded by the Eriz family between 895 and 945 in the territory of present-day Galicia -- Figure 10.1. Map indicating the case-study region and the main sites referred in the text (© C. Tente). -- Figure 10.2. Rock-cut graves and granitic boulder of São Gens (Celorico da Beira, Guarda). © Danilo Pavone Câmara Municipal de Celorico da Beira. -- Figure 10.4. Digital Model of Cava de Viriato by Geodrone and T. Cordero. -- Introduction -- Robert Portass -- Rulers and Resources in Early Medieval Iberia from c.800- c.1009: Umayyad state fiscality and Astur-Leonese landed politics compared -- Constructing Christian Polities in Northwestern Iberia (711-1109): an overview -- Maria João Branco -- The contributions of the settlement to the understanding of the rural societies of Northern Gaul in the 10th century -- Édith Peytremann -- Transforming Rulership in Tenth-Century Ireland: paradigms, problems and prospects -- Patrick Gleeson -- Assembly practices in 10th-century England: continuities and innovations in military mobilisation -- Stuart Brookes -- The creation of a Visigothic past and the territorial expansion of the Kingdom of Asturias-León -- Iñaki Martín Viso -- Monastic foundations as aristocratic strategies during the 10th century in the North-West Iberian Peninsula. The case of the Eriz family. -- José Carlos Sánchez Pardo and Marcos Fernández Ferreiro -- Maddalena Betti -- The Social Reproduction of the Roman aristocracy in the 9th and 10th Centuries. Liutprand of Cremona and the women of the pope -- The 10th century in central-northern Portugal: changing scales of power -- Catarina Tente -- The formation of a native elite: The case of 10th century Iceland -- Orri Vésteinsson -- Is there room enough for a change? 10th century historical narratives'concepts of change -- Marie-Céline Isaïa.

Change and continuity in tenth century Western Europe: A conclusion -- Igor Santos Salazar.

11 essays from both historians and archaeologists achieve a re-reading of a the tenth century, which has been central to the interpretation of the historical development of Europe over the past decade.

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