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The meddlers : sovereignty, empire, and the birth of global economic governance / Jamie Martin

Von: Martin, Jamie [author]Materialtyp: TextTextSprache: EnglischVerlag: Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 2022Copyright-Datum: ©2022Beschreibung: 1 online resource (353 pages)Inhaltstyp: Text Medientyp: Computermedien Datenträgertyp: Online ResourceISBN: 9780674275768Schlagwörter: WeltwirtschaftsordnungGenre/Form: FernzugriffAndere physische Formen: Print version: : The MeddlersOnline-Ressourcen: Volltext Zusammenfassung: While the birth of global economic governance is conventionally dated to the end of World War II, Jamie Martin shows how its roots lie in World War I and its aftermath. The Meddlers explores the intense political struggles about sovereignty and self-governance provoked by the first attempts to govern global capitalism.
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E-Books MWN Osteuropa Online-Ressource E-23-e00834 (Regal durchstöbern(Öffnet sich unterhalb)) Verfügbar 65318

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While the birth of global economic governance is conventionally dated to the end of World War II, Jamie Martin shows how its roots lie in World War I and its aftermath. The Meddlers explores the intense political struggles about sovereignty and self-governance provoked by the first attempts to govern global capitalism.

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