The Magnificent Boat : The Colonial Theft of a South Seas Cultural Treasure.
Götz Aly. Translated by Jefferson Chase
- 1st ed.
- Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 2023. 2023.
- 1 online resource (225 pages)
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Götz Aly pens a forgotten chapter in the history of imperialism as the story of a single object: a majestic fifteen-meter boat, looted from Papua New Guinea during a German colonial expedition and since displayed in Berlin museums. Aly restores attention to colonial conquests and lays bare the vexed nature of ethnological appropriation.
Auslegerboot Museum Missionar Rassismus Indigenes Volk Kolonialismus Ausbeutung Verbrechen Kunstraub
Deutschland Papua-Neuguinea Bismarckarchipel Ozeanien