E-Book-ProQuest / Fernzugriff nach Registrierung möglich
Intro -- Half-title Page -- Dedication Page -- Series Page -- Title Page -- Contents -- List of Figures -- Acknowledgements -- List of Abbreviations -- Introduction: Winning the war and winning the peace -- A better world for nations and people -- A multilateral approach -- Post-war international order -- Chapter summary -- 1 First step on the road to peace: The United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration -- Historiography on UNRRA -- UNRRA and the alleviation of suffering -- Negotiations over UNRRA: Great power leadership and small power resistance -- Atlantic City conference, 10 November-1 December 1943 -- Building and staffing UNRRA -- UNRRA on the ground, 1944-7 -- Poland -- Displaced persons in Germany -- China -- Conclusions -- 2 National security peace: The United Nations Organization -- Historiography on the creation of the United Nations -- Civil society advocates of post-war organization -- Tentative beginnings of a post-war international organization -- The Dumbarton Oaks conference: United States, Britain and Soviet Union, 21 August-28 September -- United States, Britain and China, 28 September-7 October 1944 -- Small and middle powers respond: Objections and alternatives -- Prelude to San Francisco: Yalta, February 1945 -- San Francisco conference, 25 April-26 June 1945 -- Reaction -- Conclusions -- 3 Peace and prosperity: The International Monetary Fund, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade -- Historiography on the establishment of the IMF, World Bank and GATT/ITO -- Economic peace and security -- Article VII and the beginning of post-war economic planning -- International negotiations -- The United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference, Bretton Woods, 1-22 July 1944. United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment, Havana, November 1947-March 1948 -- Conclusions -- 4 Embodied peace: The Food and Agriculture Organization and the World Health Organization -- Historiography on the establishment of the FAO and WHO -- Freedom from want: Food, nutrition and agriculture -- Meeting in Hot Springs, 18 May-3 June 1943 -- Freedom from want: Positive health and the WHO -- Technical Preparatory Committee, Paris, 18 March-5 April 1946 -- International Health Conference, New York City, 19 June-22 July 1946 -- Conclusions -- 5 Peaceful minds: The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization -- The historiography on the establishment of UNESCO -- Education and the moral and spiritual elements of peace -- Governments step up -- UNESCO conference, London, 1-16 November 1945 -- Conclusions -- 6 Peace and justice: Human rights -- Historiography on human rights in the 1940s -- Civil society wartime discourse of rights -- Governments, rights and war aims -- San Francisco conference: The UN Charter, ECOSOC, the International Trusteeship Council and the Commission on Human Rights -- Universal Declaration of Human Rights -- Conclusions -- Conclusion: Fighting for peace -- Bibliography -- Index -- Copyright Page.
Weltordnung Nachkriegszeit Friedenspolitik Sicherheitspolitik Internationale Beziehungen