E-Book-ProQuest / Fernzugriff nach Registrierung möglich
Intro -- Table of Contents -- List of Figures -- List of Tables -- Introduction: (Re)framing Art History: art beyond boundaries -- Part I The Margin at the Centre, or the Centre as Margin -- 1 A Liminal Vision Between Dream and the Afterworld in a "Boschian" Painting on the Margin of Hieronymus Bosch -- 2 In the margins of Davidsbundlertanze op. 6 by Robert Schumann -- 3 Amédée Ozenfant and the peripheries of modernism -- 4 Habeas Corpus. Marginal anatomies at the centre -- 5 Creative marginality as a counter-apparatus, from nonsense to avant-garde -- Part II Case Studies on Liminality -- 6 The centre and the margin as enhancers of meaning in Celtic literature and art -- 7 Schemes and Marginal elements in Romanesque sculpture -- 8 An iconographic reading of the tomb of D. Afonso at Braga Cathedral (Portugal) -- 9 Phoenix, Siren and Sphinx [Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz and the poetic portrait] -- 10 Rethinking the diabolical monster in 18th century salmantine choirstalls -- 11 Meanings and Strategies for Displaying Human Marvels: Inquiring the iconography of the Double -- 12 Clio at the Cloister: Re-stitching Mnemosyne -- 13 Resistance, identity, and modernism unhinged in Lygia Pape's textile experiments -- 14 The margins of patterns, garments and the body -- Part III A Place for the Margin -- 15 Domestic territories in 15th and 16th century painting -- 16 Reading Filarete from the Margin -- 17 The narthex in the architecture of the Portuguese Catholic Reformation, between centrality and liminality -- Contributors -- Index.
Kunst Grenzsituation Kunstgeschichtsschreibung Zentrum Marginalität