Disturbed ecologies : photography, geopolitics, and the northern landscape in the era of environmental crisis / Darcy White, Julia Peck, Chris Goldie (eds.)
Тип материала: ТекстЯзык: English (английский язык)Серия: ImageИздатель: Bielefeld : transcript, 2023Дата авторского права: ©2023Описание: 1 online resource (347 pages)Вид содержания: Text Средство доступа: Computermedien Тип носителя: Online ResourceISBN: 9783839460269Тематика(и): Landschaftsfotografie | Umweltkrise | Nördliche Hemisphäre | Nature photography | Environmentalism | Art and society | Art and photographyЖанр/форма: Fernzugriff | Электронное местонахождение и доступ: VolltextТип материала | Текущая библиотека | Шифр хранения | Состояние | Ожидается на дату | Штрих-код | |
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Cover -- Contents -- Preface and Acknowledgements -- Introduction -- References -- Visualizing the Pristine: the role of imagery in local stewardship of landscape -- Introduction -- Capturing 'beauty' in Arjeplog -- The work of beautiful photographs -- Visualising bad practice -- Visible and invisible in the global commons -- Conclusion -- References -- Scene and Unseen: (Re‑)envisioning the Arctic Imaginary through Photography -- Image -- Tensions -- Place -- Histories -- Archives -- Sublime -- Challenge -- Imagination -- Investigation -- Hope -- Atmosphere -- Evidence -- Contemporary Horizons -- References -- Data Rush: How 'Green' Computing is Opening Up a New Frontier in Arctic Norway -- Part I. The Materiality of the Virtual -- The continuities of Potosi -- Part II. Making Place for Data Centres -- Data rush at a dead end? The short story of Kolos -- Infrastructural pipelines that smooth frictions -- Speculation, volatility and the anticipatory politics of infrastructure development -- Part III. Empty Space and Natural Flows -- A natural fit for the surrounding landscape -- Absences obscure extraction and labour -- Vast, empty and undisturbed: the North remains majestic -- Part IV. Conclusion -- References -- Northern landscape, process, conjuncture -- References -- Ecological entanglements: embodied surfaces and screens in the work of Victoria Lucas -- Introduction -- Significant surfaces -- Material intra‐actions and entanglements -- Conclusion -- References -- Northern landscapes with a story. The affordances of the aerial view in environmental photography -- Introduction -- Purpose and questions -- Theory and background -- Method -- Results: Three dimensions of presencing/ absencing -- Theme 1: From above or up close - the role of distance and proximity -- Aerials create unique overview -- Aerials less emotionally engaging.
Theme 2: The role of the North in environmental photography -- The North as a potential source of engaging climate visuals -- The North as remote and hard to relate to -- Theme 3: Intensity of expression -- Persuasive images have a numbing effect, subtle expression invites the viewer -- Journalistic images with aesthetic qualities -- Discussion -- References -- The Experimental Darkroom: case studies in northern landscape through the material ecology of photographs -- 1. problematic of the north -- 2. the lifecycle laid bare / extractivism -- 2.1 disruptions and between‐states / remote -- 2.2 ghosts / the edge of sight -- 3. the book and the archive / timeless -- 4. the zine / geology -- 5. plant pigment and care / wilderness -- 5.1 sentience and plant developer / wild -- 5.2 cyanotype / barren -- 6. soil portraits / dirt -- 7. conclusion -- References -- Mapping the Anthropocene: Beautiful Destruction and Dark Ecology -- Introduction -- North -- Beautiful Destruction -- Nikel Materiality -- Conclusion -- References -- Imperial and geopolitical relationships in Iñupiaq climate change narratives: extinction and cultural survival in The Last Days of Shishmaref -- Geopolitics and imperialism -- The Last Days of Shishmaref -- The narratives of The Last Days of Shishmaref -- Salvage ethnography, extinction narratives and mourning -- Portraits, kinship and activism -- Conclusion -- References -- Acknowledgements -- Screening Arctic Landscapes in Nordic Television Drama: Anthropocenic Imaginaries, Ecological Crises, National Identities -- Landscapes of the 'North' in Times of Transition -- Gazing upon the Northern Face of the Anthropo(s)cene -- Televisual Landscapes of the Disturbed "North" -- Thin Ice -- Trapped -- Twin -- Conclusion -- References.
The future made present: Photographs of climate change victims in the Norwegian newspaper Arbeiderbladet 1948 - 2006 -- The pile and the close‐up -- Emerging victims -- Human victims -- Victims as testimonies -- Exemplary victims -- Future victims -- The missing polar bear? -- References -- On getting "in the way of the world": the work of Helene Schmitz and the urgency of decolonising the Western gaze. -- Time and timing -- The work itself and the discourses that frame it -- The four projects in Thinking Like a Mountain -- Schmitz' aesthetic approach and "doubleness" -- The truth about the Nordics -- Concluding thoughts -- References -- Illustrations -- Flora Bartlett -- Stephanie Hartle -- Aileen Harvey -- Inge Panneels -- Julia Peck -- Robert A. Saunders, Irina Souch, Anne Marit Waade -- Thale Sørlie -- Liz Wells -- Biographies of Contributors.
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