Critical white studies : looking behind the mirror / edited by Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic.
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Includes bibliographical references and index.
How whites see themselves. The end of the great white male / John R. Graham -- White racial formation : into the twenty-first century / Charles A. Gallagher -- The skin we're in / Christopher Wills -- The way of the WASP / Richard Brookhiser -- Hiring quotas for white males only / Eric Foner -- Innocence and affirmative action / Thomas Ross -- Doing the white male kvetch (a pale imitation of a rag) / Calvin Trillin -- Growing up white in America? / Bonnie Kae Grover -- Growing up (what) in America? / Jerald N. Marrs -- White images of Black slaves : (is what we see in others sometimes a reflection of what we find in ourselves?) / George Fredrickson -- How whites see others. The white race is shrinking : perceptions of race in Canada and some speculations on the political economy of race classification / Doug Daniels -- Ignoble savages / Dinesh D'Souza -- Darkness made visible : law, metaphor, and the racial self / D. Marvin Jones -- Playing in the dark : whiteness and the literary imagination / Toni Morrison -- Transparently white subjective decisionmaking : fashioning a legal remedy / Barbara J. Flagg -- The rhetorical tapestry of race / Thomas Ross -- Imposition / Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic -- Racial reflections : dialogues in the direction of liberation / Derrick A. Bell, Tracy Higgins, and Sung-Hee Suh, editors -- The tower of Babel / Eleanor Marie Brown -- The quest for freedom in the post-Brown South : desegregation and white self-interest / Davison M. Douglas -- "Soulmaning" : using race for political and economic gain / Luther Wright, Jr. -- Dysconscious racism : ideology, identity, and miseducation / Joyce E. King -- Whiteness : history's role. Race and manifest destiny : the origins of American racial Anglo-Saxonism / Reginald Horsman -- The invention of race : rereading White over Black / James Campbell and James Oakes -- "Only the law would rule between us" : antimiscegenation, the moral economy of dependency, and the debate over rights after the Civil War / Emily Field Van Tassel -- The antidemocratic power of whiteness / Kathleen Neal Cleaver -- Who's Black, who's white, and who cares / Luther Wright, Jr. -- Images of the outsider in American law and culture / Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic -- Back to the future with The Bell Curve : Jim Crow, slavery, and G / Jacqueline Jones -- The genetic tie / Dorothy E. Roberts.
Whiteness : law's role. White law and lawyers : the case of surrogate motherhood / Peter Halewood -- Social science and segregation before Brown / Herbert Hovenkamp -- Mexican-Americans and whiteness / George A. Martinez -- Race and the core curriculum in legal education / Frances Lee Ansley -- The transparency phenomenon, race-neutral decisionmaking, and discriminatory intent / Barbara J . Flagg -- Toward a Black legal scholarship : race and original understandings / Jerome McCristal Culp, Jr. -- Identity notes, part one : playing in the light / Adrienne D. Davis -- The constitutional ghetto / Robert L. Hayman, Jr., and Nancy Levit -- Whiteness : culture's role. Do you know this man? / Daniel Zalewski -- The curse of Ham / D. Marvin Jones -- Los olvidados : on the making of invisible people / Juan F. Perea -- White innocence, Black abstraction / Thomas Ross -- Race and the dominant gaze : narratives of law and inequality in popular film / Margaret M. Russell -- Residential segregation and white privilege / Martha R. Mahoney -- Mules, Madonnas, babies, bathwater : racial imagery and stereotypes / Linda L. Ammons -- The other pleasures : the narrative function of race in the cinema / Anna Everett -- White privilege. White privilege and male privilege : a personal account of coming to see correspondences through work in women's studies / Peggy McIntosh -- From practice to theory, or, What is a white woman anyway? / Catharine A. MacKinnon -- Racial construction and women as differentiated actors / Martha R. Mahoney -- The GI Bill : whites only need apply / Karen Brodkin Sacks -- Making systems of privilege visible / Stephanie M. Wildman with Adrienne D. Davis -- Race and racial classifications / Luther Wright, Jr. -- Reflections on whiteness : the case of Latinos(as) / Stephanie M. Wildman -- Stirring the ashes : race, class, and the future of civil rights scholarship / Frances Lee Ansley -- The social construction of whiteness / Martha R. Mahoney -- The ladder of whiteness. The mind of the South / W.J. Cash -- Old poison in new bottles : the deep roots of modern nativism / Joe R. Feagin -- The first word in whiteness : early twentieth-century European immigration / David Roediger -- Life on the color line / Gregory Williams -- Others, and the WASP world they aspired to / Richard Brookhiser -- Beyond the melting pot / Nathan Glazer and Daniel Patrick Moynihan -- The economic payoff of attending an Ivy-League institution / Philip J . Cook and Robert H. Frank -- Useful knowledge / Mary Cappello -- Stupid rich bastards / Laurel Johnson Black -- How did Jews become white folks? / Karen Brodkin Sacks -- How white people became white / James R. Barrett and David Roediger -- Paths to belonging : the Constitution and cultural identity / Kenneth L. Karst -- Is the radical critique of merit anti-Semitic? / Daniel A. Farber and Suzanna Sherry.
The color line : multiracial people and "passing for white". Passing for white, passing for black / Adrian Piper -- Black like me / John Howard Griffin -- The Michael Jackson pill : equality, race, and culture / Jerome McCristal Culp, Jr. -- Did the first Justice Harlan have a Black brother? / James W. Gordon -- Learning how to be niggers / Gregory Williams -- What does a white woman look like? Racing and erasing in law / Katherine M. Franke -- La Güera / Cherríe Moraga -- Notes of a white Black woman / Judy Scales-Trent -- Our next race question : the uneasiness between Blacks and Latinos / Jorge Klor de Alva, Earl Shorris, and Cornel West -- A review of Life on the Color Line / Martha Chamallas and Peter M. Shane -- What is race, anyway? / Tod Olson -- Biology and pseudoscience. The misleading abstractions of social scientists / Jerome Kagan -- Caste, crime, and precocity / Andrew Hacker -- Embodiment and perspective : can white men jump? / Peter Halewood -- Bell curve liberals : how the left betrayed IQ / Adrian Wooldridge -- Brave new right / Michael Lind -- Race and parentage / Dorothy E. Roberts -- The sources of The Bell Curve / Jeffrey Rosen and Charles Lane -- Hearts of darkness / John B. Judis -- Thank you, Doctors Murray and Herrnstein, (or, Who's afraid of critical race theory?) / Derrick A. Bell -- Dangerous undertones of the new nativism / Daniel Kanstroom -- White consciousness, white power. The rise of private militia : a First and Second Amendment analysis of the right to organize and the right to train / Joelle E. Polesky -- The changing faces of white supremacy / Loretta J. Ross and Mary Ann Mauney -- Hatelines : week of Sunday, April 7, 1996 / compiled by the Center for Democratic Renewal -- Blue by day and white by (k)night / Robin Barnes -- The race question and its solution / James Armstrong, Jr. -- The American neo-Nazi movement today / Elinor Langer -- Talking about race with America's Klansmen / Raphael S. Ezekiel -- Antidiscrimination law and transparency : barriers to equality? / Barbara J . Flagg -- White supremacy (and what we should do about it) / Frances Lee Ansley -- White superiority in America : its legal legacy, its economic costs / Derrick A. Bell -- What then shall we do? : A role for whites. Treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity : an interview with Noel lgnatiev of Race Traitor magazine -- How to be a race traitor : six ways to fight being white / Noel lgnatiev -- Rodrigo's eleventh chronicle : empathy and false empathy / Richard Delgado -- Obscuring the importance of race : the implications of making comparisons between racism and sexism (or other isms) / Trina Grillo and Stephanie M. Wildman -- White men can jump : but must try a little harder / Peter Halewood -- "Was blind, but now I see" : white race consciousness and the requirement of discriminatory intent / Barbara J . Flagg -- White women, race matters : the social construction of whiteness / Ruth Frankenberg -- Resisting racisms, eliminating exclusions : South Africa and the United States / David Theo Goldberg -- Dysconscious racism : the cultural politics of critiquing ideology and identity / Joyce E. King -- What should white women do? / Martha R. Mahoney -- Confronting racelessness / Eleanor Marie Brown -- A civil rights agenda for the year 2000 : confessions of an identity politician / Frances Lee Ansley -- What we believe / the editors of Race Traitor magazine -- Segregation, whiteness, and transformation / Martha R. Mahoney -- White out / Roger Wilkins.
"A sweeping portrait of the emerging of whiteness studies, Critical White Studies presents, for the first time, the best work from sociology, law, history, cultural studies, and literature. Delgado and Stefancic expressly offer critical white studies as the next step in critical race theory. In focusing on whiteness, not only do they ask nonwhites to look more closely at what it means for others to be white; they invite whites to examine themselves more searchingly and to "look behind the mirror.""--Jacket.
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