Urban poverty and party populism in African democracies / Danielle Resnick
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Cover -- Urban Poverty and Party Populism in African Democracies -- Title -- Copyright -- Dedication -- Contents -- Figures and Maps -- Tables -- Acknowledgments -- Abbreviations -- ONE Urbanization, Voting Behavior, and Party Politics in African Democracies -- Urbanization, Democratization, and Consolidation -- The Urban Poor and Political Participation -- The Argument: Populist Strategies and the Urban Poor -- Building a Base beyond the City -- Research Cases and Design -- Understanding Opposition Mobilization in Senegal and Zambia -- Study Outline -- Study Contributions -- TWO Drivers of Voting Behavior among Africa's Urban Poor -- Explanations of Voting Behavior -- Clientelism -- Ethnic Voting Alignments -- Economic Voting -- Associational Ties -- Party Linkages and Populist Strategies -- Elements of a Populist Strategy -- Factors Accounting for the Emergence of Populist Strategies -- The Appeal of Populist Strategies to Africa's Urban Poor -- Operationalizing Key Concepts -- Summary -- THREE The Bite of "King Cobra" -- Zambia's Political Party Landscape -- Urbanization Challenges -- The 2001 Elections: Personalistic Linkages Fail the Urban Poor -- The "New Deal" Gets Old -- Mwanawasa's Policies toward the Urban Poor -- Election Results in 2006 and 2008 -- The Populist Strategy of "King Cobra" -- Geographically Targeted Campaigns -- Mixed Modes of Mobilization -- Vertical Ties -- Other Opposition Party Alternatives in Zambia -- Conclusion -- FOUR Gorgui's Gamble -- Senegal's Political Party Landscape -- Urbanization Challenges -- The Triumph of a Populist Strategy in 2000 -- Vertical Ties, Youth, and Informality -- A "Political Animal" with a Popular Message -- The 2000 Elections -- Sopi becomes Nopi -- Le PDS, c'est Wade -- The 2007 Senegalese Election -- "The Living Room Opposition" -- The Heavyweight Contenders: Rewmi, PS, and AFP.
Le Pôle de Gauche -- Conclusion -- FIVE The View from Below -- Survey Methodology -- Survey Sampling Technique -- In-Depth Interviews with Slum Dwellers -- Characteristics of Survey Respondents in Zambia -- Characteristics of Survey Respondents in Senegal -- Regression Specification -- Zambia -- Senegal -- Regression Results and Interpretation -- The Power of Pabwato in Zambia -- The Opposition That Fails to Resonate in Senegal -- Conclusions -- SIX Beyond the City -- The Challenge of Moving Beyond the City -- Ethnolinguistic Appeals in Rural Zambia -- Sata's Peripheral Coalition in the Bemba Heartland -- Hichilema's Dilemma -- Religious Brotherhoods in the Senegalese Countryside -- Gorgui and the Mourides -- Broad Opposition Campaigning in the Senegalese Countryside -- Conclusion -- SEVEN Political Parties and Populist Strategies in Other African Democracies -- The ODM, Populism, and Kenya's Urban Poor -- Constructing a Pentagon Alliance with Rural Kenyans -- The Impact of Odinga's Approach -- The Rise and Decline of the BNF's Populist Strategy in Botswana -- The BNF Courts Minority Tribes -- The Impact of Koma's Dual Appeals -- A Populist Faction within South Africa's ANC -- Zuma Emphasizes His Zulu Heritage -- The Impact of Zuma's Strategy on the ANC's Electoral Fortunes -- Conclusion -- EIGHT Conclusions, Contributions, and Implications -- Populist Strategies and the Urban Poor -- Implications for the Mobilization of Rural Voters -- Other Cases beyond Senegal and Zambia -- Recent Developments in Zambia and Senegal -- Broader Contributions of the Study -- Opposition Parties and Elections in Africa -- Party Linkages and the Sustainability of Populist Strategies -- Cross-Regional Varieties of Populism -- Democratic Contestation and Consolidation -- Areas for Further Research -- Conclusion.
Appendix A Share of Vote (%), Largest City in Recent National Elections -- Appendix B List of In-Depth Interviews -- Zambian Interviewees -- Senegalese Interviewees -- Appendix C Survey Questionnaires for the Markets -- I. Details concerning the interview -- II. Details concerning the respondent -- A. Gender -- B. What is your first language? (The language you first learned as a child) -- C. How old are you? -- D. What is the highest level of education you have attained? -- E. Do you currently live in Lusaka? -- F. If so, in which constituency do you reside? -- G. If so, in which ward do you reside? -- H. In your opinion, what are the poorest wards in Lusaka? -- I. Were you born in Lusaka province? -- J. If you were not born in the province of Lusaka but currently reside here, in which province were you born? -- K. If you were not born in the province of Lusaka, when did you move here? -- L. If you were not born in the province of Lusaka, what was the main reason for why you decided to move here? -- M. What is your main occupation? -- N. Approximately how much money do you spend per day? -- III. Living Conditions -- A. In general, how would you describe the economic conditions in Zambia today compared with this same time last year? -- B. If you believe that conditions became better or worse, what is the principal reason for this change? -- C. In general, how would you describe your own economic conditions today compared with this same time last year? -- D. If you believe that conditions have become better or worse, what is the principal reason for this change? -- E. Do you have a water tap within your household? -- F. Do you have electricity within your household? -- G. How many people live in your home? -- H. How many rooms are in your home?.
I. In your opinion, who should be responsible for the delivery of public services, such as water and electricity, in your neigh -- J. In general, how would you describe the housing conditions in your neighborhood during the period in which you have lived the -- K. Within the last five years (or within the period that you have lived there, if less than five years), has your house or any -- IV. Working Conditions and Associational Membership -- A. Are you satisfied with your working conditions? -- B. If you work in one of Lusaka's markets, have you or someone that you know ever been harassed by the government authorities? -- C. If so, which of the following have the government authorities done to you or someone that you know (check all that apply) -- D. If so, which level of government do you believe is responsible for such harassment? -- E. If so, how often does such harassment occur? -- F. Are you a member of any associations/organizations? -- G. If so, which one(s)? -- H. If yes, why did you decide to become a member of this organization? -- I. If not, why have you decided not to join any organizations? -- J. Recently, the role of the Chinese in the Zambian economy has been controversial. What is your opinion of the growing Chinese -- V. Presidential Elections -- A. Did you vote in the 2006 presidential election? -- B. If no, why not? -- C. If yes, who did you support during the 2006 presidential election? -- D. What was the main reason you supported this candidate in the 2006 presidential election? -- E. Did you vote in the 2008 presidential election? -- F. If no, why not? -- G. If yes, who did you support during the 2008 presidential election? -- H. What was the main reason why you supported this candidate in the 2008 presidential elections? -- VI. Perspectives on the ruling party (MMD).
A. Did the MMD campaign in your neighborhood during the 2008 presidential elections? -- B. If yes, did the MMD give a speech in your neighborhood? -- C. If yes, did the MMD hang up signs in your neighborhood? -- D. If yes, did the MMD give out gifts, such as T-shirts, hats, etc., in your neighborhood? -- E. If yes, did the MMD give out money in your neighborhood? -- F. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement -- «The MMD has improved the availability of electricity in Lusaka » -- G. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement -- «The MMD has improved the cost of electricity in Lusaka » -- H. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement -- «The MMD has improved the availability of water in Lusaka » -- I. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement -- «The MMD has improved the cost of water in Lusaka » -- J. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement -- «The MMD has improved the cost of transport in Lusaka » -- K. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement -- «The MMD has done a lot to improve the conditions of the poor in Lusaka » -- L. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement -- «Thanks to the MMD, unemployment has declined » -- M. Why did the MMD win the 2008 presidential elections? -- VII. Perspectives of the opposition parties -- A. Which opposition parties campaigned in your neighborhood during the 2008 presidential elections? -- B. Did any of these opposition parties give a speech in your neighborhood? -- C. Did any of these opposition parties hang up signs in your neighborhood? -- D. Did any of these opposition parties give out gifts, such as T-shirts and hats, in your neighborhood? -- E. Did any of these opposition parties give out money in your neighborhood?.
F. Which opposition parties do you think are the most interested in improving the living conditions of those living in Lusaka?.
By combining the perspectives of political elites with those of voters, this book provides a unique analysis of the dynamics of the party-voter relationship in Africa.
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