Prussian conservatism 1815-1856 : ecclesiastical origins and political strategies / Laura Claudia Achtelstetter

По: Achtelstetter, Laura ClaudiaТип материала: ТекстТекстЯзык: English (английский язык)Издатель: Cham : Springer International Publishing AG, 2022Дата авторского права: ©2021Описание: 1 online resource (278 pages)Вид содержания: Text Средство доступа: Computermedien Тип носителя: Online ResourceISBN: 9783030810702Тематика(и): Friedrich Wilhelm IV., Preußen, König | Protestantismus | PreußenЖанр/форма: | FernzugriffДополнительные физические форматы: Print version:: Prussian Conservatism 1815-1856Электронное местонахождение и доступ: Volltext
Intro -- Names and Places -- Acknowledgements -- Contents -- Abbreviations -- Chapter 1: The Conservative Milieu, 1815-1856 -- 1.1 Conservatism -- 1.2 The Conservative Milieu and Its Trauma -- 1.3 Purpose and Limitations -- 1.4 Sources and Literature Review -- 1.4.1 Family History -- 1.4.2 The History of a Political -- 1.4.3 The History of a Religious Movement -- 1.4.4 Biographies -- 1.5 Theory and Method -- 1.6 Outline -- Chapter 2: A Youth Between Defeat and Liberation, 1806-1830 -- 2.1 Napoleon and Prussian Identity -- 2.2 Prussia on the Brink of Despair 1803-1815 -- 2.2.1 Narratives -- 2.2.2 The Befreiungskämpfer -- 2.2.3 War Experiences -- 2.3 The Berlin Network(s) 1810-1820 -- 2.4 Faith Becoming Public, 1820s and 1830s -- 2.5 Conclusion -- Chapter 3: Conservative Interpretation of Royal Church Policy -- 3.1 Context: Prussiaś Church Policy -- 3.2 Ernst Wilhelm Hengstenberg and the EKZŚ Church Policy -- 3.3 The Gerlach Brothers -- 3.4 Friedrich Julius Stahl and the Christian State -- 3.5 Conclusion -- Chapter 4: Restoration, Revolution, and Counter-Revolution, 1830-1850 -- 4.1 Context: Prussiaś Political System -- 4.2 Key Conservative Concepts, Pre-1848 -- 4.3 Ernst Wilhelm Hengstenberg, Ernst Ludwig von Gerlach, and the Revolution -- 4.4 Friedrich Julius Stahlś Political Theory -- 4.5 Conclusion -- Chapter 5: `The Bond That Stands Above the Will of the Spouses:́ Marriage Law Reform(s) -- 5.1 Contexts: Love, Marriage, and Divorce -- 5.2 The `Foundation Stone of All States,́ 1820s-1830s -- 5.3 `Deus Praesens in Jure:́ The 1840s -- 5.4 Marriage Law and Restoration, 1850s -- 5.5 Conclusion -- Chapter 6: Conclusion: All That Is Left -- Bibliography -- Manuscripts -- Gerlach-Archiv (GA) -- Bestand [Inventory] Ernst Ludwig von Gerlach -- Bestand [Inventory] Leopold von Gerlach -- Bestand [Inventory] Wilhelm von Gerlach.
Bestand [Inventory] Otto von Gerlach -- Herzog-August-Bibliothek (HAB) -- Other Archives -- Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz (GStA), Berlin -- Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin -- Printed Primary Sources -- Evangelische Kirchenzeitung (EKZ) -- Berliner Politisches Wochenblatt (BPW) -- Neue Preußische Zeitung (KrZ) -- Other Printed Primary Sources -- Secondary Literature.
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Intro -- Names and Places -- Acknowledgements -- Contents -- Abbreviations -- Chapter 1: The Conservative Milieu, 1815-1856 -- 1.1 Conservatism -- 1.2 The Conservative Milieu and Its Trauma -- 1.3 Purpose and Limitations -- 1.4 Sources and Literature Review -- 1.4.1 Family History -- 1.4.2 The History of a Political -- 1.4.3 The History of a Religious Movement -- 1.4.4 Biographies -- 1.5 Theory and Method -- 1.6 Outline -- Chapter 2: A Youth Between Defeat and Liberation, 1806-1830 -- 2.1 Napoleon and Prussian Identity -- 2.2 Prussia on the Brink of Despair 1803-1815 -- 2.2.1 Narratives -- 2.2.2 The Befreiungskämpfer -- 2.2.3 War Experiences -- 2.3 The Berlin Network(s) 1810-1820 -- 2.4 Faith Becoming Public, 1820s and 1830s -- 2.5 Conclusion -- Chapter 3: Conservative Interpretation of Royal Church Policy -- 3.1 Context: Prussiaś Church Policy -- 3.2 Ernst Wilhelm Hengstenberg and the EKZŚ Church Policy -- 3.3 The Gerlach Brothers -- 3.4 Friedrich Julius Stahl and the Christian State -- 3.5 Conclusion -- Chapter 4: Restoration, Revolution, and Counter-Revolution, 1830-1850 -- 4.1 Context: Prussiaś Political System -- 4.2 Key Conservative Concepts, Pre-1848 -- 4.3 Ernst Wilhelm Hengstenberg, Ernst Ludwig von Gerlach, and the Revolution -- 4.4 Friedrich Julius Stahlś Political Theory -- 4.5 Conclusion -- Chapter 5: `The Bond That Stands Above the Will of the Spouses:́ Marriage Law Reform(s) -- 5.1 Contexts: Love, Marriage, and Divorce -- 5.2 The `Foundation Stone of All States,́ 1820s-1830s -- 5.3 `Deus Praesens in Jure:́ The 1840s -- 5.4 Marriage Law and Restoration, 1850s -- 5.5 Conclusion -- Chapter 6: Conclusion: All That Is Left -- Bibliography -- Manuscripts -- Gerlach-Archiv (GA) -- Bestand [Inventory] Ernst Ludwig von Gerlach -- Bestand [Inventory] Leopold von Gerlach -- Bestand [Inventory] Wilhelm von Gerlach.

Bestand [Inventory] Otto von Gerlach -- Herzog-August-Bibliothek (HAB) -- Other Archives -- Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz (GStA), Berlin -- Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin -- Printed Primary Sources -- Evangelische Kirchenzeitung (EKZ) -- Berliner Politisches Wochenblatt (BPW) -- Neue Preußische Zeitung (KrZ) -- Other Printed Primary Sources -- Secondary Literature.

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