Seven Seconds to Die a military analysis of the Second Nagorno-Karabakh War and the future of warfighting

Antal, John

Seven Seconds to Die a military analysis of the Second Nagorno-Karabakh War and the future of warfighting 7 seconds to die John Antal - Philadelphia ; Oxford : Casemate, 2022 - 160 Seiten

Introduction1. Background and overview of war2. The Domains of 21st-Century War3. Top Attack4. The Transparent Battlespace5. The Desperate Need for Masking6. The Information War7. Training and Equipping for the Coming Drone Wars8. Conclusion - Lessons Learned

The Second Nagorno-Karabakh war took place during the pandemic, fought between Armenia and Azerbaijan between September and November 2020. This book offers important analysis of this, the first war in history won primarily by unmanned systems.



Krieg um Bergkarabach 2020
