Central european pasts : old and new in the intellectual culture of Habsburg Europe, 1700-1750.

Central european pasts : old and new in the intellectual culture of Habsburg Europe, 1700-1750. edited by Ines Peper and Thomas Wallnig - Berlin/München/Boston : Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2022. 2022. - 1 online resource (668 pages) - Cultures and practices of knowledge in history ; 6 . - Cultures and practices of knowledge in history .

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Intro -- Table of Contents -- Introductions -- Introduction: The querelle that wasn't -- Habsburg intellectual history in context. Two perspectives (roof intro) -- Habsburg intellectual history in its universal, imperial, and regional contexts: A Counter-Reformation account -- Habsburg intellectual history in a global context: revolution, evolution, innovation -- The Church -- Bernhard Pez challenges his abbot, as viewed from a curial perspective. New materials on a conflict situated between monastic discipline and theological antiquarianism -- Ignorant critics, learned colleagues, and evidence from the source: Bernhard Pez's Apologia for the publication of The Life and Revelations of Agnes Blannbekin -- Die Rezeption der Constitutio Unigenitus (1713) im Alten Reich: eine unterschätzte Diskussion? -- The debate about the completion of the Cathedral of Milan during the eighteenth century. Innovation and continuity with regard to aesthetical, lexical, and theoretical issues -- Tradition and reform in the scholarship of Sebastiano Paoli OMD (1684-1751) between Vienna and Naples -- The Empire -- Verhandlungen über das Mittelalter zwischen Melk und Leipzig: Bernhard Pez' Brief von einigen alten Poeten, welche in teutscher Sprache etwas geschrieben (1725) -- Wenn „große Männer" fehlen: Argumentationsstrategien im Ringen um eine Studienreform an der Universität Wien zu Beginn des 18. Jahrhunderts -- „Interdum optarem autoritatibus Tua magis muniri caeteroque philologico apparatu." Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz' Kritik an Hermann von der Hardts rationalistischer Bibelauslegung -- Another querelle. The Usus Modernus Pandectarum and the constitution of the Holy Roman Empire around 1700 -- The Habsburg Monarchy -- Gebrauchtbuchhandel als neue Geschäftspraxis: Der Wiener Buchhandel des Johann Adam Schmidt (Nürnberg) zwischen Novitäten und Antiquariat (1730-1751). Der Streit um die Genealogie der Wittelsbacher. Gottfried Philipp von Spannagel (Wien) gegen Ignaz Franz Xaver von Wilhelm (München) -- Two visions of a sacred kingdom: Gabriel Hevenesi and Samuel Timon as expositors of Holy Hungary -- Old and new iconographic forms on the eastern border of the Habsburg Monarchy. Social prestige and family alliances in eighteenth-century Oltenia -- New uses of an old theme: The Roman origins of Romanians in the discourse of the Greek Catholic elite in eighteenth-century Transylvania -- The Istoria of Francesco Ottieri and the writing of modern history in early eighteenth-century Italy -- Antiquos reverentia, novos aequitate: „Moderne" Antikerezeption bei Carl Gustav Heraeus -- Habsburgs beste Quellen. Tradition und Innovation in der Balneologie des 18. Jahrhunderts -- Das Josephinische Eherecht. Eine Gemengelage aus Altem und Neuem im Dienste einer bürgerlich-patriarchalen Geschlechterordnung -- Epilogues -- Interactive antiquities: A Relational History -- Querelle - Parallèle - Paradoxe - Guerre. Framing the dispute between Ancients and Moderns in the early modern periodical press (Nouvelles littéraires, Neue Zeitungen von gelehrten Sachen) -- Index of People -- Index of Places.

How was knowledge produced by different people in different times and at different places? How was knowledge stored, managed, classified, organized, deployed, forgotten, and recycled? Finally, how did such practices affect what counted as knowledge? The series invites contributions on the 'long' early modern period in Europe and publishes also works on global cultures of knowledge under European influence.

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