Dear comrades : Menshevik reports on the Bolshevik revolution and the Civil War /
Brovkin, Vladimir N.
Dear comrades : Menshevik reports on the Bolshevik revolution and the Civil War / ed. and transl. by Vladimir N. Brovkin - 1. print. - Stanford, Calif. : Hoover Institution Press, 1991 - XXII, 275 S. - Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace: Hoover Institution publication 389,[a] Hoover archival documentaries .
Aus d. Russ. übers
Dear comrades : Menshevik reports on the Bolshevik revolution and the Civil War / ed. and transl. by Vladimir N. Brovkin - 1. print. - Stanford, Calif. : Hoover Institution Press, 1991 - XXII, 275 S. - Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace
Aus d. Russ. übers